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Welcome to Victoria'S Beauty Permanent MakeUp

& SkinCare 

How can women achieve that perfect look every day without hours of effort?

From eyebrows to lip color, PERMANENT MAKEUP is the solution.

        Victoria is a licensed esthetician specializing in Permanent MakeUp technology. She combined her talent and career in Esthetic to help people look and feel great by applying this fabulous enhancement of permanent makeup. These professional skills and experiences provide her with a keen sense for this specialty trade along with an “artistic eye” to specialize in creating a natural symmetrical color and balanced look. 

        Victoria insists on the highest standards of safety, including the use of the most modern, innovative and effective equipment, topical anesthetics, disposable instruments and quality pigments.

        Consultations are given to insure that all of your questions are answered to full satisfaction. Her commitment as a specialist is to provide every client with the safest, easiest and most artistic application of permanent makeup customized to give you the most natural enhanced beauty results.

        Victoria's conservative approach and attention to detail will help you look and feel beautiful…permanently.













Libre Baskerville is a classic font with a modern twist. It’s easy to read on screens of every shape and size, and perfect for long blocks of text.

 Powder/Ombre Brow

     Powder/Ombre Brow is one of the most popular technique on the market. It is a technique suitable for nearly every client. This eyebrow enhancement creates the softest shadow of colour similar to the effect created with an eyebrow powder or pencil.  It’s a great option for any age and skin type and can be combined with microblading for a very natural result. If you love your brows‘on fleek’ then this is the look for you. 

     Every appointment begins with a consultation. Victoria will always begin by speaking to her client on the end goal, and from there, she'll draw a template of what is being done. Once the client approves, she works with them to pick the proper shade, which gets placed right on top of her sketch after the appropriate areas have been numbed.

      Your initial appointment will take about 2-3 hours. Immediately after initial procedure the eyebrow area will be slightly red but there is no down time! In the following days you can expect the area to get darker as it scabs. Yes, your brows will scab as they heal themselves. Do not pick the scabs as this might damage the skin and greatly affect the retention of the pigment. The color will fade about 40% as they heal. It takes about 2 weeks for the brows to fully heal over but a full 4-6 weeks for the true color to reveal itself. At this point if you would prefer darker brows we can always add more color during your touchup.

Pain tolerance varies from client to client. Topical anesthetics are used during the procedure for your comfort. 



  • It is best to get your eyebrows threaded or waxed  at least 48 hours before you appointment.

  • Avoid tanning prior to your appointment in order to assess your natural skin tones

  • Must stop using AHAs and Retin-A near the tattooed area a week prior

  • Botox must be administered at least 2 weeks before getting permanent brows

  • Avoid alcohol, aspirin/ibuprofen, and any vitamins that may thin your blood 72 hours before your appointment. Doing so may cause bleeding, which will affect pigment retention

  • Feel free to come in with makeup on your brows or bring pictures for reference

  • I recommend showering before your appointment so you will not need to immediately following your appointment. Getting your brows wet can also affect pigment retention.


   Eyeliner is the easiest way to enhance the beauty of the eyes. If you wear eyeliner every day, you know how irritating the daily routine of applying it and taking it off can be. If that sounds like your daily makeup routine, you might consider permanent eyeliner. Although this procedure could change your morning schedule, you must choose carefully from the many permanent eyeliner styles available. 

Different women prefer different permanent eyeliner styles. Whether you want Classic or Dramatic liner on just the top or both the top and bottom is entirely up to you. The thickness of your permanent eyeliner will determine how bold or dramatic its appearance will be. Take a moment and think about whether you want your eyeliner to be thick, thin, or somewhere in the middle.

Classic/Thin eyeliner is great for women who want a more natural look but still want the boldness of a line. Even a very thin line can make the eyes pop in a natural, attractive way. This is a wonderful option for women who don’t wear a lot of makeup.

Dramatic/Thick eyeliner should only be selected by women who wear a significant amount of makeup each day and are ready to commit to a permanently bold makeup look. 


Keep in mind that you can always add to your permanent eyeliner, but you can’t take anything away. So if you’re unsure how thick of a line to request, start thin. If you eventually want to add more drama or boldness for an evening, you can apply makeup over the top of the tattoo.




   This is a great procedure for those who are looking to slightly enhance the size or color of their lips. Our lip liner and lip blend will leave your lips looking natural, full and beautiful at all times.

Treatment will begin with a consultation regarding the shape and color of your choice. We recommend bringing your everyday lipstick with you to ensure that we match a color you are most comfortable with. A top of the line topical anesthetic is used to maximize reducing any if at all discomfort. We will only proceed once the shape and color is approved by the client.


Important: If you get cold sores or have ever had one in the past you will need an antiviral prescription from your doctor before a lip procedure. Physicians usually instruct to take it 5 days before.


A Permanent Lip Treatment Can Dramatically Improve:

1. Lip Definition

2. Symmetry

3. Loss of color from the aging process

4. Darkening of color due to smoking

5. Thin Lips

6. Ashy Color


The result is a youthful pout enhanced with the color of your choice. No more smudging or bleeding and having to reapply throughout the day. Now you can look fresh all day long!



   Immediately following your procedure, the tattooed area will appear to be darker and bolder in color and more sharply defined. This can last up to a week after treatment while the initial healing process takes place. The complete healing process takes about 4-6 weeks at which time the true color of the tattoo is evident. During the process, your tattoo will soften and lighten. Be patient, even if you think too much color has been lost, as your skin is still regenerating and it is only after 4-6 weeks that your touchup can be done. Swelling and redness is minimal with most clients and will disappear within 24-48 hours. The day of your appointment every 3 hours after your service until bedtime, deb your brows with a moist cotton round to clean lymph and blood. At this time you will begin healing process for 10 days meaning no heavy sweating, pools, ocean, lotions or creams, etc. A few days later and ONLY if necessary, you may begin to lightly moisturize the area as it begins to dry out. Be sure to use small amount of aftercare on a q-tip 3 times a day. The goal is to have your skin flake off naturally. DO NOT pick or scratch at the scabs, let the skin fall off naturally. Picking can cause scarring and ruin the retention. IMPORTANT: once the flakes have fallen off, a shiny layer of healing skin will completely cover the hair strokes. It may appear as though the tattooed area has completely disappeared. Within 1-2 weeks, it will slowly reappear at a lighter shade as your skin regenerates. D NOT apply makeup to the tattooed area until your brows have fully healed. Chemicals of any kind may interfere with the healing and color of your tattoo. Once your brows have fully healed it is recommended using SPF.


*A $50 deposit will be required to guarantee services at the time of booking by phone. If you cancel for any reason no less than 24 hours in advance, or do not arrive on the specified appointment date payment is non-refundable.


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"I know Victoria for a while... The only person whom I fully trust with my facial procedures. Very knowledgeable, intelligent and trustful young lady. Have done lots of facials, micro-needling and eyelash extensions. Micro-needling is just a miracle treatment!! Got my skin absolutely renewed. Satisfaction is guaranteed!!" 


| Ekaterina K. |


Can Medications Effect My Permanent Cosmetic Service?

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